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Role of research and development in the internationalization of high-tech firms: Empirical results from Poland

Vol. 16, No 4, 2023


Krzysztof Wach


Department of International Trade, Krakow University of Economics,


ORCID 0000-0001-7542-2863


Role of research and development in the internationalization of high-tech firms: Empirical results from Poland

Nelly Daszkiewicz


Department of Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology,


ORCID 0000-0001-6620-627X




Abstract. This article focuses on the significance of research and development (R&D) in driving the internationalization of Polish high-tech firms. R&D is essential for businesses to remain competitive and adapt their products to the specific requirements of different markets. The study aims to investigate the relationship between R&D and the internationalization process of high-tech firms based in Poland, with a focus on the innovation context. We used a quantitative research method and employed a survey questionnaire to evaluate the internationalization of high-tech firms in Poland. The study employed a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) method and identified the random sample of 263 fully-filled questionnaires during the survey that were important for further statistical analysis. We confirmed that research and development as it is commonly understood, i.e., having one's own R&D department and making expenditures on R&D, helps and strengthens the internationalization of high-tech firms.


Received: January, 2023

1st Revision: July, 2023

Accepted: October, 2023


DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2023/16-4/16


JEL ClassificationF23, L26

Keywordsinternationalization, high-tech firms, internationalization of firm, international entrepreneurship, international business, research and development (R&D)