Evaluating the quality of hotel services based on tourists' perceptions and expectations: The case study of Armenia
Vol. 13, No 1, 2020
Gayane Tovmasyan
AMBERD Research Center, Armenian State University of Economics Management Chair, Public Administration Academy Republic of Armenia tovmasyangayane@yahoo.com |
Evaluating the quality of hotel services based on tourists' perceptions and expectations: The case study of Armenia |
Abstract. The evaluation of hotel service quality is very important for hotels in terms of revealing the gaps in their performance and accomplishing certain actions of improvement. As in Armenia there is no general instrument for evaluating hotel quality, this article aims at processing such an instrument – ARMQUAL, which should be used by hotels. The instrument was processed based on the analysis of international experience, literature review and current situation in Armenian hotels. Main factors that are important for evaluating quality in hotels were taken into account and based on them a questionnaire was prepared. ARMQUAL is calculated based on perceptions, expectations of visitors, weighted by the importance of factors. This instrument is based on three dimensions: tangibles and appearance, availability and comfort, staff competence and helpfulness. Testing of the instrument was done in two hotels, based on which the main problems were revealed. Importance-Performance Analysis was done to determine the main quadrants of quality dimensions and also to find the gaps between the level of performance and importance in order to define the main strategic actions. The study shows that guests evaluated the factors of staff competence and helpfullness high. Despite some complaints regarding physical devices, the overall weighted index of ARMQUAL for both hotels was positive. The results also establish the interrelationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Besides, the findings were analyzed via Crosstabulations with Pearson Chi-square coefficient test and significant relationships were found between the perception, expectations and the desire to visit again and advise others. The majority of the hotels’ guests would like to return again and advise others to visit the same hotels. This indicates that satisfaction with the quality level of hotel services leads to loyalty.
Received: July, 2019 1st Revision: November, 2019 Accepted: February, 2020 |
DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2020/13-1/6
JEL Classification: L83, Z32 |
Keywords: hotel quality, loyalty, survey, perception, expectation, importance, IPA, ARMQUAL, Armenia |