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Creating Value by Designing: Economic and Business Perspectives

Vol. 2, No 1, 2009

Marcin Chłodnicki, Marek Zieliński Creating Value by Designing Economic and Business Perspectives”, Journal of International Studies, Vol. 2, No 1, 2009, pp. 89-98.



Creating Value by Designing: Economic and Business Perspectives


Pole tekstowe:  Scientific Papers








Dr. Marcin Chłodnicki

Department of Services Management

Dr. Marek Zieliński

Department of Marketing Strategies

Poznań University of Economics

Al. Niepodległości 10 PL 61-875 Poznań




Abstract Design is more often used by companies in creation of new business and implementation products and services on the market. In our paper we present design as value creating factor. This paper is based on the fallowing thesis:

·         Design is a success driver for most of businesses – still underestimated.

·         Businesses shell use design on project basis or employ it as an integral part of management.

·         Creation of value by (using) design can be taken for development of entire nations.

These statements are described and verified with a intellectual argument.


Keywords: Institutions: Design, Formation, and Operations, Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives, Management of Technological Innovation and R&D, Technological Change: Choices and Consequences; Diffusion Processes, Industrialization; Manufacturing and Service Industries; Choice of Technology

Submitted:December, 2008

1st revision: March, 2009

Accepted: June, 2009




JEL classification: D02, O31, O32, O33, O14





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