Analysis of barriers in sports volunteering
Vol. 11, No 4, 2018
Emília Krajňáková
Faculty of socio-economic relations, University of A.Dubček in Trenčín, Slovakia |
Analysis of barriers in sports volunteering |
Audrius Šimkus
Department of Management, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Vaida Pilinkiene
School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Monika Grabowska
Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
Abstract. Volunteering is an exclusive phenomenon that involves certain obligations in activities, which individuals choose completely on free will. One of the main components in volunteering is that people engage in community work, without receiving any compensation. Volunteering as a form of leisure relies on the fact that during activities individuals acquire certain experience. Research presented here shows the barriers which prevent the spread of volunteering as a form of leisure in sports sector. Barriers can be related to the nature of sports events and inappropriate volunteers appreciation. The barriers also relate to the lack of information, skills, or lack of financial costs, which are mostly related to travel and food. The identified barriers were evaluated in order to reveal which of them mainly prevent the spread of voluntary activities in the sports sector. The main barriers preventing spread of volunteering are inappropriate preparation of voluntary activities in sport organizations and volunteers’ age. Also important barriers are inappropriate volunteers’ appreciation and lack of information.
Received: September, 2018 1st Revision: October, 2018 Accepted: November, 2018 |
DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2018/11-4/18
JEL Classification: J42, J45 |
Keywords: volunteering, volunteer, leisure, barriers, sports sector |