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Innovativeness and success perception of Polish small- and medium-sized international new ventures

Vol. 10, No 3, 2017


Ewa Baranowska-Prokop


Institute of International Management and Marketing

Warsaw School of Economics





Innovativeness and success perception of Polish small- and medium-sized international new ventures


Tomasz Sikora


Institute of International Management and Marketing

Warsaw School of Economics









Abstract. The main goal of this paper is to analyse the relationship between innovativeness and success perception by managers of Polish small- and medium-sized international new ventures (INVs). We apply statistical analysis (with the use of SPSS) to the original data set elicited from the two samples of Polish SME’s by means of a questionnaire and CATI technique. Two measures of success have been taken into account: assessment of financial situation and success perception of managers relative to competitors. The outcomes have been evaluated against two hypotheses. The results indicate that the propensity to innovate in Polish INVs was slightly higher in the group of medium-sized firms as compared to the small ones. The relationship between innovativeness and market success was complex. In the majority of the analysed cases the respondents from the medium-sized innovative firms evaluated success at the market in the most favourable terms whereas those from small innovative firms – in the least favourable terms.


Received: June, 2017

1st Revision: July, 2017

Accepted: October, 2017


DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-3/10


JEL ClassificationL25, M13, M31

KeywordsPolish international new ventures, success perception, innovativeness




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