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Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment fund deposits in Poland in a time of crisis

Vol. 10, No 2, 2017


Grzegorz Mentel


Rzeszow University of Technology,
Rzeszow, Poland



Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment fund deposits in Poland in a time of crisis


Jacek Brożyna


Rzeszow University of Technology,
Rzeszow, Poland




Beata Szetela


Rzeszow University of Technology,
Rzeszow, Poland






Abstract. The present publication constitutes an attempt at evaluation of the effectiveness of investment fund deposits at Polish market in the years 2000-2015. In the paper, a distinction is made between two subperiods, namely, the years before the economic crisis, meaning 2000-2006, and the years of the so-called crisis, meaning 2007-2015. This approach had the goal mainly of evaluating the effectiveness of investment fund deposits in the years of economic slowdown. Conclusions concerning the investment funds are based on a broad range of coefficients and measures used in literature on the subject matter. The multitude of quantitative evaluation criteria of investment funds taken into account in the publication should enable a more precise evaluation of the discussed issue. At the same time, besides the temporal subdivision mentioned above, the authors consider it important to confirm or deny any possible rules or similarities in the indications of the discussed measures. Grouping of the investment funds based on investment effectiveness can be a further advantage.


Received: November, 2016

1st Revision: January, 2017

Accepted: March, 2017


DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2017/10-2/3


JEL Classification: C01, C58, G32 

Keywords: investment funds, efficiency, investing, risk, financial market