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The Prevalence Narcotics Trade in the World Market and the Associated Challenges

Vol. 6, No 2, 2013

Khaled A. Alasmari

Academy of Economic Studies, Romania


The Prevalence Narcotics Trade in the World Market and the Associated Challenges


June, 2013

1st Revision:

September, 2013


October, 2013




Abstract. The use of narcotics has been one of the biggest problems the contemporary governments have had to deal with amidst so much resistance and adamancy. This article would focus on the narcotic drug network in the world. This would be done by examining the major areas in the world where the illicit trade is most prevalent. Through the analysis of the major targets, destinations, and sources of these drugs, this article would be able to uncover the size of the narcotic trade in the world today. This would involve discussing the associated behaviors and effects on the health of an individual who uses these drugs.

The narcotic trade, with its prevalence, has affected a wide continuum of people in the society; the youth, the old, women, and children. The youth have been the most contributors in the illicit trade, and as this article uncovers, a big percentage of the drug users and traffickers are young people. This article would critically examine the expanse of the narcotic business in the world, and the contributing factors to this prevalence. Further, it would address the legislation that has been enacted by governments in an effort to curb this vice, and particularly focus on the flaws in the regulations put in place by governments to deal with narcotic trade.

Th s article would discuss the prevalence of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, which is evidently the worlds major concern today since the whole business has brought about a wide variety of devastating effects. This can be alluded to a few years back when drug abuse and trafficking was only a problem associated with few countries, but today, the whole world has found itself right in the middle of this vice.



Keywords: narcotics drug network, prevalance of narcotics trade, illicit trade, psychotropic substances, Money laundering.


JEL classification: K49.


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