Residents’ Assessment of Promotional Activities of Polish Towns
Vol. 5, No 1, 2012
Marta Jankowska Poznań University of Economics
Residents’ Assessment of Promotional Activities of Polish Towns |
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the assessment of promotional activities by the residents of Polish cities and towns of various sizes. The conclusions are presented on the basis of a questionnaire conducted between May 11 and August 18, 2011, via the Internet and in direct interviews with respondents from various parts of Poland. Additionally, the author compared the effectiveness of promotional instruments employed by Polish towns, as assessed by those towns’ residents, with the results of a survey by TNS OBOP (Centre for Public Opinion Research), conducted at the turn of October 2010 among local government officials in charge of marketing activity. This comparison allowed for the differences in how image campaigns are perceived by the two sides of promotional activity to be identified. The paper provides useful observations to be analyzed by the representatives of local government promotional offices and place marketing experts, and it can also assist urban authorities in selecting the most effective methods of promotion of places, directed at their residents. |
Keywords: city marketing, instruments of town promotion, residents, local government, small/medium/large towns in Poland. JEL classification: M31, M38. |