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Logistic service branch as an economic mesosystem

Vol. 7, No 1, 2014

Anna Wiktorowska-Jasik, PhD

West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin


Logistic service branch as an economic mesosystem

Received: January, 2014

1st Revision: March, 2014

Accepted: April, 2014


ABSTRACT. The article presents matters related to the branch as an object of economic research. The logistic service branch is a detailed object of analysis, examined as an economic mesosystem. The purpose of the article is to present dependences taking place between elements of this mesosystem, namely the domestic economy, and companies from the logistic branch as well as how these dependences affect the quality and the competitiveness of provided services. In addition, the article brings closer self-regulation models of the logistic services market with particular focus on the impact of the evolutionary economics trend. Participants of the logistic service market are also presented, emphasizing the market’s modular structure and this structure’s configuration in Poland. Considerations on the impact of contemporary general economic trends on mechanisms regulating the branch also take a significant place as does the behavior of particular elements of this mesosystem.

DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2014/7-1/7

JEL ClassificationL 11, L 87

Keywordsbranch, logistic service, mesosystem, logistic service market, logistic operator, innovations, competitiveness, economy sector.