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Banking regulation in ensuring bank's efficiency: Looking through different forms of ownership

Vol. 13, No 1, 2020


Viktoria Dudchenko


Department of International Economic Relations, 

Sumy State University


Banking regulation in ensuring bank's efficiency: Looking through different forms of ownership

Tetiana Goncharenko


Sumy College of Economics and Trade,


Oksana Didenko


Kharkiv Directorate of Raiffeisen Bank Aval,


Tadeusz Olejarz


The Faculty of Management,

Rzeszow University of Technology






Abstract. The study is aimed to investigate the impact of banking regulation intensity on the efficiency of banks with different forms of capital ownership. To test the hypothesis about the different level of influence of banking regulation instruments on state, private and foreign banks, the GLS-modeling tool was used. The study sample includes data on the banks from six countries (Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Estonia and Belarus) within the research period of 2001–2014. Empirical calculations indicate that there is no need to introduce differentiated regulatory regimes depending on the form of ownership and the origin of bank's capital, since there are no significant differences in the impact of different components of the regulatory mechanism on the banks of different ownership forms and different origins of capital. Particularly noteworthy is the formulation of a strategy for regulating state-owned banks, with slight differences in the effectiveness in the use of indicative and administrative instruments, while at the same time the importance of institutional environment indicates the need to reform the principles of state-owned banks operations.



Received: October, 2019

1st Revision: January, 2020

Accepted: March, 2020


DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2020/13-1/22


JEL ClassificationG21, G28, C51

Keywordsbank, regulation, efficiency, ownership, performance



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