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Organization of Project Financing and Management as a Required Precondition for Intensification of Ukrainian-Polish Co-operation

Vol. 1, No 1, 2008

Yuriy Yamko

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Organization of Project Financing and Management as a  Required Preondition for Intensification of Ukrainian-Polish Co-operation


Abstract: Nowadays, organization of project management and financing is an inalienable part of big investment projects’ implementation. Realization of scientific & technological development projects as well as infrastructural projects are always complex tasks which are impossible to be implemented without exact determination of standard constituents of project management and financing. Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in this context must be understood as a multiproject which can be managed under proper financing only. Moreover, since Ukrainian-Polish cooperation is assumed to be complex in nature and long-term in duration, including economic, social, ecological and political constituents, its successful realization should be based on the use of program-target method of management.



Keywords:ukrainian-polish collaboration, infrastructural projects, program-target method of management, project management, project financing