Scientific Papers


© CSR, 2008-2019
ISSN: 2306-3483 (Online), 2071-8330 (Print)

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Vol. 7, No 1, 2014

  The  Journal of International Studies  focuses on theoretical and policy-making issues 

faced by Central and Eastern European Countries’ (CEEC) economies which were formerly 

command or centrally-planned. CEE countries are still facing the strategic and socio-economic choices in the transitional economy, bewaring their situation in global world transformations and challenges of globalization. CEE countries had di

 erent reactions towards 

the ways of their economic development. Designate veritable priorities in the economy 

form a system of strategic purposes and impact a mechanism of their realization.

  e Journal also deals with the in-depth debates faced by both transitional and mature 

market economies, which could serve as a pattern or a plausible solution for the emerging 

economies. We believe that the Journal of International Studieswill serve as a thought–provoking medium for numerous political, economic, social and cultural themes behind the 

concept of globalization and international economics, which have long been sought after 

by those involved in theoretical and practical considerations of the matter.

We are of the opinion that the elite of the society should be called for a close participation in the transformation processes, and an active role of the academia is most appreciated. 

  e Journal is dedicated to enhancing the link between academic theory and its application 

at both micro and macro levels.

  e authors are expected to critically interrogate the much–abused term of globalization and demonstrate, in a highly convincing and eminently readable manner, our need 

to adopt a far more creative socio-economic and strategic response to the forces currently 

transforming the society at di

 erent scales.

  e Editorial team encourages all authors to present their material in such a way that 

the implications for economists and practitioners are fully explored.   us, the research 

community bene ts by linking academic activity to end-user concerned. 

  is Journal  can extend your understanding of key issues and build a framework for 

future research and policy formulation. By highlighting new perspectives on major economic trends, the Journal of International Studies  assists in  nding solutions to the problems facing many economies around the world today.

  e current issue of the Journal of International Studies focuses on two main topics: 

Intra-sector and cross-region analysis among developing countries and human resources and 

talent management.   e issue includes 11 articles from 15 authors from Poland, Pakistan and 

Ukraine academic establishments and non-governmental organizations.


dr Yuriy Bilan

dr Jakub Gazda